Speech by Dr. Geng in Chao-Dong's Memorial Service
Created by Grace 11 years ago
Passion, Warmness, and Care: A Loving Life of Chao-Dong Huang
By Junfeng Geng
Chaodong is a friend I have known for many years. He is also my dear brother in Christ. His early and rather unexpected death made me very sad. The life of him was wonderful and rich. He was passionate to all meaning courses that he worked on, and such a passion was also reflected in his passion for people. He is a loving and tender father and son in his family, a thoughtful and caring man to his friends. Along with these, he is very cheerful in life with a strong sense of humour. He is good in both Chinese and English, with a wide scope of knowledge not only in his own field – economics, but also in several areas of social science and Christian faith.
He obviously likes to be loved, especially by his family members, the church brothers and sisters, and all of his friends. But he is more willing to give his love to others. The examples that I presented today are the concrete manifestation of his love. In my view, his life can be paralleled as a bright prism which has already reflected, from multiple sides and angles, many of the good things of life, such as warmth, honest, justice, optimism, and humour, and of course, faith, hope, and love, as well.
The most important is love. As a Christian, Chao-Dong loves his faith and his heavenly father. He also loves his family and friends, and is prepared to give love any time to any people. In fact, he uses his whole life to have witnessed and practiced the true meaning of love and its immortal value. We remember him, honour him, and learn from him. While he has passed away, he will live forever in our heart.