Speech by Prof.Du in Chao-Dong's Memorial Servcie
Created by Grace 11 years ago
Dear Shaoxia, Shaoxia’s parents, Angela and Leo, and Chao-Dong’s friends
We are getting together today to commemorate our dearest friend Dr Chao-Dong Huang. On behalf my family, and Chao-Dong’s badminton club and Chao-Dong’s camping club, I would like to offer our sincere condolence to Shaoxia and her family at this saddest time to all of us.
I first met Chao-Dong 27 years ago at Shanghai Foreign Language College, attending a short English training course. Subsequently, we came to London, studying for our PhD degree. For our generation of overseas Chinese students, this is perhaps the hardest time in our life. It is our friendship and each other’s support helped us to succeed over this hard but critical period of our life. Chao-Dong always treasured this experience and made a remark while in hospital that “there is nothing in life I will be afraid after the hardship of early years of PhD study”. In his fight against leukaemia, Chao-Dong showed remarkable courage and strength. Spiritually, he is a giant to all of us!
Our life became more intimate when my family moved to Cambridge in 2005. Chao-Dong was then a middle aged and charismatic gentleman, and he was the magnet to many friends and the Chinese community. He established our social badminton club. His warm and charismatic personality attracted so many to come to play. Over the years, the badminton club expanded and its organisation also became an integrated part of Chao-Dong’s routine responsibility, even in the early days of his stay in hospital. Chao-Dong also established our camping club. His enthusiasm for camping activities allured my and other families, particularly our children, without any camping experience to join him for the fun outdoor activities. Our camping trips left us with fine memories of wonderful and unforgettable time. We deeply treasure these fine memories and are truly grateful to what Chao-Dong has done for the community, his kindness and generosity.