生命的活水 — 朝东住院期间与主内朋友的通讯

Created by Shaoxia 10 years ago
前言 今年4月15日,在医院遇见少霞,得知朝东生病住院,于是我们用email彼此代祷鼓励。 再次读朝东病重期间写的邮件,字里行间流露出朝东对上帝的信赖,对困难的勇气,对朋友的关怀和对福音工作的热情。我的心深深地被感动,今天与少霞商量,我们将邮件与大家分享。 朝东弟兄, 我们再一次地谢谢你! 庆渝 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 生命的活水 — 朝东住院期间与主内朋友的通讯 16th April 2013 email received from Chao-Dong during his 1st week in hospital Hi Qingyu, thanks for your kind message and encouragement. and many thanks for your prayers. The Lord has blessed the work on the Spring Camp and the registered participants have exceeded the planned limit on numbers. how wonderful! We have indeed tasted the joy of serving the Lord and working with brothers and sisters in God's family. You probably learnt from Shaoxia that I have been unwell and in hospital. Lots of blessings. Chao-Dong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17th April 2013 Dear Chao-Dong, It is encouraging to know that applicants have exceeded the planned number. We will continue to pray for the spring camp. I was sorry to know you have been unwell from Shaoxia. My prayers have been with you and Shaoxia from morning to night. In the past several months, I have been struggling as my son has suffered from pain without knowing the cause. One thing we are certain: LORD is willing and able to heal us! Let’s put our trust in the Lord who loves us so much. Qingyu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17th April 2103 Dear Qingyu, Your kind and encouraging words, your prayers and your faith have warmed our hearts. Thank you! I believe our loving and healing Lord has sufficient grace to help me through the current difficulties, and I also pray for Yao Yao that the Lord will give him full blessing and complete healing and let him and your family experience his abundant grace and love. Thanks for your offer to help Shaoxia and the family. I am sure Shaoxia will ask for your help when needed. Lots of love and prayers, Chao-Dong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19th April 2013 Dear Chao-Dong and Shaoxia You are wonderful brother and sister. We belong to the same family, we share our joys as well as our pains. Thanks for praying for Yao Yao… I must confess that my faith is weak and feel worry from time to time. However I know and know that God’s grace is bigger than our problems, HE is in control! Chao-Dong, you are extremely talented and enthusiastic. Cambridge is such a special place in the world with lots of Chinese students and visiting scholars. Lord will restore your health and we will work together for HIS Kingdom. May Lord’s daily grace/mercy provide us with peace, hope and strength. Lots of love and prayers. Qingyu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22nd April 2013 Thank you Qingyu. Your support, love and prayers have given us great comfort and encouragement. We are fortunate and grateful that we know we have our Lord walking with us through difficulties and we have the love and care from brothers and sisters in Christ who are always there to support and cheer us up when we are in need. I stay in hospital receiving treatment. I am feeling fine, thanks to our Lord. We also pray for YaoYao that the loving and caring Lord will give him physical health and spiritual strength to face the new challenges in college life when the new term starts, and he will be blessed and will do well to glorify his Lord. You take care, thanks very much, with our love in Christ, Chao-Dong and Shaoxia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24th April 2013 Dear Chao-Dong and Shaoxia, My continuous and persistent prayers are with you and your family. Lots of love and prayers, Qingyu Isaiah 41:10 (this is Lord’s words for us) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24th April 2013 Dear Qingyu, Your prayers, and the Lord's words, have given me great comfort, peace, strength and courage. Thank you! I always pray to the Lord that His presence and company be always with me, with Shaoxia and the family, and I have indeed experienced the peace and joy of the presence of the Holy Spirit. I have been reading and re-reading the famous and moving poem "footprints" (footprints in the sand) which describes how the Lord accompanies His precious child to go through difficulties of life, to the extreme that He actually carried the child through in the worst situation. He is indeed our Lord and our Savoir, Love in Him, Chao-Dong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2nd May 2013 要记得有人在为你祷告 有时候你祷告,感到力量用尽, 主关心,也了解你能忍受多少, 邀别人恳切为你祷告。 有人在为你祷告, 要记得有人在为你祷告。 庆渝 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2nd May 2013 谢谢你,庆渝。“常常喜乐,不住祷告,凡事谢恩。” 朝东 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13th May 2013 Dear Chao-Dong and Shaoxia, My thoughts and daily prayers stay the same. Also we pray for you in a small group with Lanping and Hongmin at Addenbrookes. Xiaohong told me about their visit to you yesterday. I have been very touched by your faith, strength and optimism. I continue to pray for Lord’s presence with your family all the time. Pray the total healing from the Lord for Chao-Dong. We love your family! Qingyu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13th May 2013 Dear Qingyu, Thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers, and the scripture. They are very precious and important to me and Shaoxia. My thanks to Lanping and Hongmin as well. Xioahong and Zhao Yong came to see me yesterday. They are so kind. I am continuing the slow recovery. It may take a few more days to know the results of the first cycle of the treatment. I am feeling fine. May God bless you and the family. Love and prayers, Chao-Dong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14th May 2013 谢谢庆渝。是的,主耶稣是独一真神,我的救主,带我出黑暗入光明,出死入生。 朝东 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21st May 2013 Dear Chao-Dong and Shaoxia Lanping, Hongmin and myself still get together to pray for you in the name of Jesus. We know that our heavenly Father is listening to our prayers. The healing is on the way. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Qingyu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22nd May 2013 Dear Qingyu, Many thanks to you and Lanping and Hongmin for your continuous prayers. we have been very much encouraged and always felt the support and love from you. As you said in the email, the healing is on the way. I am indeed getting better these days. Thanks again, and with lots of love, Chao-Dong and Shaoxia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23rd May 2013 Dear Chao-Dong I very keenly pray to the Lord for your total recovery. As you are so talented and faithful, I pray to the Lord to use your gifts and experience preaching the Gospel to Chinese people in Cambridge. We could have a joint work in the future. My daily and persistent prayers are with you!!! Qingyu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24th May 2013 Dear Qingyu, I am most grateful for your daily and persistent prayers, and praise and thank the Lord who listens to His children's prayers and applies His healing power on me. I felt that it is a privilege to be a Christian and the best thing that has happened in my life is to be able to know Jesus as my personal Savoir. There are very many talented Christians out there, I am not really one of them. But the Lord has given me various gifts that I can use to serve His Kingdom. I am sure we will have opportunities to work together to encourage more and more of our people to know Jesus. best wishes and love, Chao-Dong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29th May 2013 Dear Chao-Dong I hear from Lanping that you are getting better and will start the second circle of treatment. We continue our groups’ and my daily prayers for your total healing from the Lord. I also pray for your daughter’s exams! May Lord’s wisdom, strength, favour and blessings are with Angela! Lots of love and prayers, Qingyu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31st May 2013, the last email received from Chao-Dong, he was in ICU from 1st June 2013 Thank you Qingyu. Your continuous prayers and support have given me and Shaoxia great warmth and encouragement. And we are moved by your prayer for Angela. I have started the second cycle of treatment today. May the Lord bless you and your family. Chao-Dong